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Table 1 Patient demographics

From: Efficacy of radioactive iodine treatment of graves’ hyperthyroidism using a single calculated 131I dose


Number of patients (%)


42.1 ± 16 y, 4–94a

 Pediatric pts. < 18 y

20 (6.3)

 Adult pts. ≥ 18 y

296 (93.7)





238 (75.3)


78 (24.6)

Etiology of hyperthyroidism

 Graves’ disease

316 (100%)

History of prior treatment


179 (56.6)

 Anti-thyroid medications


80 (25.3)


37 (11.7)

  Both (PTU and MMI)

14 (4.4)


137 (43.4)



6 (1.9)

Interval between diagnosis and radioiodine treatment

325.9 d, 0–6818

Radioiodine treatment

 Size of gland (g)

50.2 ± 18.1, 15–100a

 24-h RAIU

0.57 ± 0.17

131I dose administered (mCi)

18.1 ± 6.8, 5–70a

 Dosing factor (mCi per gram)

0.21 ± 0.14

Outcomes at First RAI Therapy



295 (93.3)


21 (6.6)

  Failure (needed 2 RAI doses)

18 (5.7)

  Failure (needed thyroidectomy)

1 (< 0.3)

  Failure (needed 3 RAI doses)

2 (< 0.7)

Interval between radioiodine treatment and hypothyroidism

97.3 d ± 78.4

  1. apresented as mean ± SD, range