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Table 1 Clinical Trials of Fasting Regimens in Patients with and without Diabetes

From: Intermittent fasting: is there a role in the treatment of diabetes? A review of the literature and guide for primary care physicians

Intermittent Fasting Protocol


Effects of Intermittent Fasting vs. Baseline

Alternate Day Fasting

One day of fasting/One day of ad libitum feeding

Trepanowski et al [11]. (6 months)

Average Baseline Values

Weight: 96 kg

Fasting Glucose: 90 mg/dL

Fasting Insulin: 18 uIU/mL

HOMA-IR: 4.1


- Decreased body weight by 6.8%

- Decreased fasting glucose by 6.3%

- Decreased fasting insulin by 7.5%

- Decreased HOMA-IR by 2.49%


Catenacci et al. [12] (8 weeks)

Average Baseline Values

Weight: 94.7 kg

Fasting glucose: 88.4 mg/dL

Leptin: 29.8 ng/mL


- Decreased body weight by 8.2 kg

- Decreased glucose by 6.0 mg/dL

- Decreased leptin by 13.9 ng


Bhutani et al. [13] (12 weeks)

Average Baseline Values

Body weight: 94 kg

Fasting Glucose: 98 mg/dL

Fasting insulin: 21.8 uIU/mL


- Decreased body weight by 3 kg

- Decreased fasting glucose by 3%

- Decreased fasting insulin by 7%


Bhutani et al. [14] (8 weeks)

Average Baseline Values:

Body weight: 96.4 kg

Leptin and Adiponectin (see study)


- Decreased body weight by 5.7 kg

- Decreased leptin by 21%

- Increased adiponectin by 30%


Varady et al. [15] (12 weeks)

Average Baseline Values:

Body weight: 77 kg

Adiponectin: 10728 ng/mL

Leptin: 25 ng/mL


- Decreased body weight by 5.2 kg

- Increased adiponectin by 0.7μg/ml

- Decreased leptin by 10 ng/ml


Gabel et al. [16] (12 months)

Average Baseline Values

Body weight: 95 kg

Fasting Glucose: 99 mg/dL

Fasting Insulin: 23 uIU/mL


- Decreased body weight by 8%

- Decreased fasting insulin by 52%

- Decreased Fasting glucose by 3%


Hoddy et al. [17] (10 weeks)

Average Baseline Values

Body Weight: 94 kg/97 kg (timing of fasting day single low calorie meal: Lunch/Dinner)

BMI: 35/34 kg/m2

Fasting Glucose: 96/100 mg/dL

Fasting insulin: 12/11 uIU/mL

HOMA-IR: 3.0/3.0


- Body weight decreased by 3.5/4.1 kg

- BMI reduced by 1.3/1.4 kg/m2

- Fasting Glucose, Insulin, and HOMA-IR did not undergo statistically significant changes

5/2 method

Complete fasting on 2 non-consecutive days/5 days of ad libitum feeding

Carter et al .[18] (12 weeks)

Average Baseline Values:

HbA1C: 7.2%

Body Weight: 99 kg


- Decreased HbA1C by 0.7%

- Decreased body weight by 8 kg


Carter et al. [19] (12 months)

Average Baseline Values:

HbA1C: 7.2%

Body Weight: 100 kg


- Decreased body weight by 6.8 kg

- Decreased HbA1C by 0.3%


Sundfor et al. [20] (6 months)

Average Baseline Values:

Body Weight: 108.6 kg

HbA1C: 5.6%


- Decreased body weight by 9.1 kg

- Decreased HbA1C by 0.3%


Corley et al. [21] (12 weeks)

Average Baseline Values (Consecutive/Non-consecutive 2 day fast)

Weight: 108.7/109.8 kg

BMI: 36.6/36.8 kg/m2

HbA1C: 8.4/8.2%

Results (Consecutive/Non-consecutive 2 day fast)

- Decreased weight by 3.1/3.6 kg

- Decreased BMI by 0.5/0.8 kg/m2

- Decreased HbA1C by 0.6/0.7%

Time Restricted Feeding

Daily 12–20 h fast/4–12 h feeding window

Moro et al. [22] (8 weeks)

Average Baseline Values:

Fat mass: 10.90 kg

Fasting glucose: 96.64 mg/dL

Fasting insulin: 2.78 mU/mL

Adiponectin: 11.8 μg/mL

Leptin: 2.1 ng/mL


- Decreased fat mass by 1.62 kg

- Decreased fasting glucose by 10.72 mg/dL

- Decreased fasting insulin by 1.01 mU/mL

- Increased adiponectin by 2.1 μg/mL

- Decreased leptin by 0.3 ng/mL


Sutton et al. [23] (5 weeks)

Average Baseline Values:

Insulin: 25.1 mU/L

Insulinogenic Index: 113 U/mg

Glucose: 100 mg/dL


- Decreased fasting insulin by 0.4 mU/L

- Increased insulinogenic index (marker of Beta cell responsiveness) by 14 U/mg

- No significant change in fasting glucose


Hutchison et al. [24] (1 week)

Average Baseline Values:

Weight: 105.7 kg

BMI: 33.9 kg/m2

Fasting Glucose: 5.8 mmol/L


- Decreased glycemic response to test meal by 36%

- No significant weight reduction


Cienfuegos et al. [25] (8 weeks) (4 h feeding window)

Average Baseline Values:

Body Weight: 101 kg

Fasting Glucose: 88 mg/dL

Fasting insulin: 12 uIU/mL

HOMA-IR: 2.7

HbA1C: 5.9%


- Body weight decreased by 3.2%

- Fasting glucose decreased by 5.0 mg/dL

- Fasting insulin decreased by 2.3 uIU/mL

- HOMA-IR decreased by 29%

- HbA1C decreased by 0.2%


Cienfuegos et al. [25] (8 weeks) (6 h feeding window)

Average Baseline Values:

Body Weight: 99 kg

Fasting Glucose: 94 mg/dL

Fasting insulin: 16 uIU/mL

HOMA-IR: 3.7

HbA1C: 5.9%


- Body weight decreased by 3.2%

- Fasting glucose decreased by 2.3 mg/dL

- Fasting insulin decreased by 1.9 uIU/mL

- HOMA-IR decreased by 12%

- HbA1C decreased by 0.2%