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Table 2 Cases of immune checkpoint inhibitors-induced hypophysitis and anterior pituitary insufficiency

From: Spectrum of immune checkpoint inhibitors-induced endocrinopathies in cancer patients: a scoping review of case reports



 1. Number of Reports


 2. Cases


 3. Gender

Males = 145; Females = 62; Not reported = 15

 4. Age (years)

Median = 61; Mean + SD = 60.4 + 11.4; Range = 31–85

 5. Pertinent medical history

PHxEndoD: Reported = 12; Not reported = 210

FHxEndoD: Reported = 2; Not reported = 220

PHxAutoD: Reported = 4; Not reported = 218

 6. Type of cancer

Melanoma = 193; Renal cell carcinoma = 6; Prostate carcinoma = 7; non-small cell lung cancer = 5, lung cancer = 5; papillary thyroid carcinoma =1; mesothelioma =1; not reported = 4

 7. Check point inhibitor

ICI Drug D/C?:

Ipilimumab = 188; Nivolumab = 13; Tremelilumab = 4; CTLA-4 = 8; Atezolizumab = 2; Ipilimumab + Nivolumab = 3; Nivolumab, then Ipilimumab = 1; Ipilimumab, then Pembrolizumab = 2; Ipilimumab, then Nivomumab = 1.

Yes = 45 No = 17 Not reported = 160

 8. Clinical presentation

Reflects the hormone(s) affected

 9. Onset (weeks) after first dose

Median = 12; Mean = 13.8 + 10.3; Range 3–76

 10. Biochemical tests

↓ACTH/cortisol = 183;

↓TSH/FT4/FT3 = 172;

↓LH/FSH/T/Estradiol = 137;

↓PRL = 22; ↓GH/IGF-1 = 22. ↑TSH, ↓FT4,/FT3 = 2

 11. Diagnosis (patients with # hormone deficiencies[def])

5 deficiency (def) = 7; 4 def = 14; 3 def = 72; 2 def = 47;

One (isolated) def = 36 (31 ACTH, 4 TSH, 1 LH, FSH def).

3 reports with case series account for remainder

 12. Imaging Brain/Pituitary MRI/CT

Enlarged/Enhanced = 108; Normal 49; Not reported =11; Not done = 11; Sella abnormality = 3; atrophy = 3

3 reports with case series account for remainder

 13. CTCAE grade reported

Yes = 5; Not reported in 217

 14. Therapy at onset at diagnosis

High dose steroids = 144; steroids = 62; no steroids = 7; Not reported = 9

 15. Outcome

219 recovered/discharged (replacement therapy 195 & 24 not reported); 3 deceased.